Jin Shin Jyutsu
(Free Copy)
Hiten Patel
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About the Author:
Having worked in corporate world for nearly
20 years, Hiten Patel depleted his health due to Stress and so called Corporate
way of life.
In 2003 he had to choose between dying
wealthy or living healthy. He chose to live healthy. He practiced alternative
methods of healing on himself.
In this blog he shares one of the ancient
methods of healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, that helped him. This blog is written in
summarised form so that the reader can finish it in about half an hour, and
reap benefits of this ancient techniques to remain healthy.
Since 2006, he is practicing as Mind
Therapist and Holistic Healer.
Academically, he is a Registered Medical
Practitioner (Alternative Medicine) in hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapist
(USA) and ACWA.
He conducts workshops on:
- Stress Management
- Life Management
- Complimentary healing methods
These workshops have helped thousands of
people to heal in natural ways.
Readers are advised to use Jin Shin Jyutsu as a complimentary method of healing and not to be taken as a substitute for medical procedure prescribed by competent medical professional.
Back ground of Jin Shin
It is believed that God created human being
out of his own energy, and while human was connected closely with Him, he was
fit and healthy. Slowly, as man began to get self-involved, he left the
sanctuary of the spirit. The balance of energy thus got disturbed and resultant
blocks caused innumerable disease. To combat this and remove the blockages, man
sought methods to keep healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually. As the
days passed by, even this knowledge was obscured, till it was rediscovered and
revived by great sages. One method of healing - Jin Shin Jyutsu - was revived by sage Jiromurai of
Japan, who introduced it to 20th century culture. He referred to this art in
many ways including the art of happiness, the art of longevity, the art of benevolence
and finally Jin Shin Jyutsu, literally translated as "the Creator’s art
through compassionate man/woman."
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient holistic
healing art, which is gentle and non-invasive. While it is difficult to say
exactly where it began, there are evidences of it in many ancient cultures. Jin
Shin Jyutsu was widely known in antiquity -- before the time of Buddha, Moses.
Ancient Egypt ,
India ,
and Japan
all have historical evidence that indicates that, what we now call Jin Shin
Jyutsu, was known in those cultures as well. This art was handed down by word
of mouth for centuries. As with any oral tradition, the true essence and
accuracy of the art eventually became altered, watered-down and called by
different names. This resulted in the emergence of many modified versions.
There exists however, one text where the art was written down in its entirety,
though cryptically. That was in a Japanese text written as a creation story
called Kojiki.
This healing technique is an art that can
be learnt easily by anybody, as it is simple and easy to practice. It does not
involve any pressure or massage. Gentle holding of specific points in specific
patterns assists the release of energy blockages in the meridians,
simultaneously healing it.
Jin Shin Jyutsu physio-philosophy is an
ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu brings
balance to the body's energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being,
and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement
to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects
of stress.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Asian healing
art that releases the deep tension and imbalance in the body. Once this is
released, your body can heal itself more easily and completely. This results in
more vibrant health, better rest, less pain, faster healing, and greater
resistance to illness and degeneration.
In the Far East ,
it has been known for centuries that ill health is rooted in tension and
imbalance. Stress and the resulting tension can rob us of our optimum health.
As we know, tension develops due to a variety of stress factors. Some of these
are physical injury, emotional strain, mental fatigue, lack of sleep,
environmental toxins and diet. Typically tension has been part of our lives for
so long that we may not even notice its presence, but we frequently feel its
effects. Left unreleased, tension causes imbalance in our body's systems that
can contribute to fatigue and discomfort. As the tension and imbalance deepens
in the body, it can become illness and degenerative disease.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is similar to acupuncture
but without the discomfort of needles. The practitioner manually adjusts
points on the body in specific sequences. These points, called
"safety energy locks" are locations on the body where energy of
"chi" tends to lock up and cause tension and imbalance. By
adjusting these key safety energy locks properly, an amazing thing happens.
Vitality and health start to be restored. And it works on all
levels - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Jin Shin Jyutsu strengthens the immune
system, helping prevent illness. Used pre and post operative, healing
occurs at a more rapid pace - therefore it is a valuable adjunct to Modern medicine.
Using all the information he had uncovered,
Murai conducted extensive experiments on himself for over 50 years. He found
that Jin Shin Jyutsu produced a depth of awareness that went beyond anything
described in the ancient texts of Chinese medicine.
How Does Jin Shin Jyutsu
Einstein taught us that all matter is
energy. Our bodies are literally dense energy. In the Far
East they have known for centuries that this energy moves in very
specific pathways or flows throughout the body. Whenever there is trauma
at any level – mental, physical or emotional- the energy flows will lock up
(similar to a circuit breaker) to keep us from overload.
The problems arise when these points stay
locked up. When this happens the body has to find less efficient ways to move
the energy throughout our systems, impairing our body’s own self-healing
ability. Jin Shin Jyutsu dissolves these blockages and re-establishes the
proper flow of energy, thus restoring our body’s natural self-healing capacity.
Jin Shin Jyutsu relies on three main vital
energy pathways, which are known as “The trinity”.
These pathways ascend and descend within the body. They balance and harmonise
the body, spirit and mind via twenty-six energy point locations contained
within the body. These points are known as Safety Energy Factors. It is through
these points that energy flows can be unlocked within the body.
Human beings will naturally make use of
their energy locks during their daily lives. For instance, folding hands,
crossing arms or placing hands on hips are ways in which we use our Safety Energy Factors. According to Jin Shin Jyutsu, these actions can modify the flow of
energy within the body. Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu is about learning how we
affect our energy flows during the course of our daily lives.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is like the father of
acupuncture, acupressure or Shiatsu method of treatment, but without the
discomfort or needles. The practitioner manually adjusts points on the
body in specific sequences. These points, called "safety energy
locks" are locations on the body where energy tends to lock up and cause
tension and imbalance. By adjusting these key safety energy locks
properly, an amazing thing happens. Vitality and health start to be
restored. And it works on all levels - physically, mentally, and
Jiromurai describes energy as matter moving
in definite pathways. They move all around our body in the ascending and
descending order in front and back of the body and upper and lower side and
right and left side of the body. These pathways of energies are known as flows.
Jin Shin Jyutsu identifies 26 “safety
energy locks” where energy concentrates along the
pathways. These sites act as circuit breakers, shutting down and restricting
the flow of energy, to protect the body when injury or the abuse of everyday
physical, mental and emotional stress occurs.
Fear, according to Jiromurai, is the cause
of all disease. Apart from this worry, sadness, anger and pretence are also
responsible for causing disease and are called attitudes. If these attitudes
are corrected, healing takes place and our whole body gets harmonized
physically, mentally and spiritually.
A Jin Shin session begins with listening to
the pulse, which reveals to the practitioner information about the current flow
of energy and state of being of the client. It indicates where he or she needs
help. Unlike modern medicine, the emphasis is not on diagnosing, but on
harmonizing. All disease begins with blockages of energy, and the pulse shows
the practitioner the specific energy points that need to be held to restore the
harmonious flow, without creating additional stress in the client's mind about the
The remaining treatment consists of gently holding points in various combinations until complete harmony of energy and pulsation is established.
The remaining treatment consists of gently holding points in various combinations until complete harmony of energy and pulsation is established.
The Main Central:
The Main Central Universal Harmonizing Energy corresponds energetically and
physically most closely to the spinal column (the most concentrated physical
manifestation of energy in vertebrates) and associates similarly with the
chakra modalities. As a source, it functions as a master gateway for the myriad
body function energies, coordinating general harmony throughout the bodily
network of energetic pathways. It is therefore a good idea to keep this flow as
"tuned-up" as possible. The following diagram outlines a daily
self-help session to balance the Main Central.
Begin with the right hand on the top of the head (R1) and left hand on the third eye or center of eyebrows (L1). Keeping the right hand in place, move the left hand to the tip of the nose (L2). Continue to follow the diagram above down the front of the body until the left hand reaches the pubic bone (L5). Move the right hand to the tip of the coccyx (R2). Hold the hand positions while "listening" for the harmony in your pulse (you will note, with practice, the slight pulsation at each point--hold the positions until you sense rhythmic, synchronous pulsations in the right and left hands); imagine energy flowing in the direction of your left hand's placement, down the front and up the back of your spine.
Begin with the right hand on the top of the head (R1) and left hand on the third eye or center of eyebrows (L1). Keeping the right hand in place, move the left hand to the tip of the nose (L2). Continue to follow the diagram above down the front of the body until the left hand reaches the pubic bone (L5). Move the right hand to the tip of the coccyx (R2). Hold the hand positions while "listening" for the harmony in your pulse (you will note, with practice, the slight pulsation at each point--hold the positions until you sense rhythmic, synchronous pulsations in the right and left hands); imagine energy flowing in the direction of your left hand's placement, down the front and up the back of your spine.
The hands and the fingers are the keys to
self help in Jin Shin Jyutsu.
The procedure is to wrap the hand over the
finger of another hand. Each finger should be held for a minimum of 3 minutes.
However no harm holding it longer. Holding the fingers every day, whenever your
hands are free to do so, is a good way to clean, harmonise and revitalise
all our 144,000 energy functions. The good news is that the effects over time
are cumulative, so the more you hold your fingers, the more you’ll feel the
effects (you’ll feel calmer, think straighter, have more energy etc)
THUMB: Corresponds to worrying, depression, anxiety. Physical symptoms may
be stomach aches, headaches, skin problems and nervousness. The corresponding
organs are Stomach and Spleen.
INDEX FINGER: Corresponds to fear, mental confusion, frustration. Physical symptoms are digestive problems and muscle problems like backaches. The corresponding organs are Kidney and Bladder.
MIDDLE FINGER: Corresponds with anger, irritability, indecisiveness. Physical symptoms are eye or vision problems, fatigue, circulation problems. The corresponding organs are Liver and Gall bladder.
RING FINGER: Corresponds with sadness, fear of rejection, grief, negativity. Physical symptoms are digestive, breathing or serious skin problems. The corresponding organs are Lungs and Larger Intestine.
INDEX FINGER: Corresponds to fear, mental confusion, frustration. Physical symptoms are digestive problems and muscle problems like backaches. The corresponding organs are Kidney and Bladder.
MIDDLE FINGER: Corresponds with anger, irritability, indecisiveness. Physical symptoms are eye or vision problems, fatigue, circulation problems. The corresponding organs are Liver and Gall bladder.
RING FINGER: Corresponds with sadness, fear of rejection, grief, negativity. Physical symptoms are digestive, breathing or serious skin problems. The corresponding organs are Lungs and Larger Intestine.
LITTLE FINGER: Corresponds with overdoing it, insecurity, effort, nervousness. Physical symptoms are bone or nerve problems, sore throat. The corresponding organs are Stomach and Spleen. The corresponding organs are Heart and Small Intestine.
How to hold? And usefulness
of it.
Hold your THUMB (either side) to harmonize
the attitude of WORRY, and to help:
* Insomnia
* Digestion
* Headaches (esp. base of thumb)
* Stress and nerves
* Ground and calm
* Nurture
* Skin surface
* Stomach and spleen energy
* When have to SIT a lot
* Digestion
* Headaches (esp. base of thumb)
* Stress and nerves
* Ground and calm
* Nurture
* Skin surface
* Stomach and spleen energy
* When have to SIT a lot
Hold INDEX finger (either side) to
harmonize FEAR and ANXIETY, and to help:
* Teeth and gums
* Backaches
* Digestion, constipation
* Self criticism, shyness
* Muscle tension
* Kidney and bladder energy
* When have to STAND a lot (be on your feet)
* Backaches
* Digestion, constipation
* Self criticism, shyness
* Muscle tension
* Kidney and bladder energy
* When have to STAND a lot (be on your feet)
Hold MIDDLE finger for
Hold MIDDLE finger (either side) to
harmonize the attitude of ANGER, and to help:
* regulate blood pressure (high or low)
* general fatigue
* eyes, vision
* irritability
* balance emotions
* liver and gallbladder energy
* when have to READ a lot
* general fatigue
* eyes, vision
* irritability
* balance emotions
* liver and gallbladder energy
* when have to READ a lot
Hold RING finger for GRIEF
Hold RING finger (either side) to harmonize
the attitude of GRIEF and sorrow, and to help:
* ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
* respiratory functions
* excessive mucus
* skin conditions
* lung and large intestine energy
* when have to RECLINE a lot
* respiratory functions
* excessive mucus
* skin conditions
* lung and large intestine energy
* when have to RECLINE a lot
Hold LITTLE finger for
Hold LITTLE finger (either side) to
harmonize the attitude of PRETENSE (trying to), and to help:
* heart conditions
* bloating
* trying too hard (at anything)
* insecurity, nervousness
* heart and small intestine energy
* when need to WALK a lot
* bloating
* trying too hard (at anything)
* insecurity, nervousness
* heart and small intestine energy
* when need to WALK a lot
In due course all energies and attitudes
will begin to get harmonized. The sensation of pulse rate in the finger held
will be felt. Slight warmness will also be felt in that finger.
Jin Shin Jyutsu should not be practiced
before or within one hour of meals.
Pregnant ladies should not practice Jin
Shin Jyutsu.
It is advised to consult
your Physician before starting the Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions.
back side of cover page
Other initiative by the author
Stress Management Workshops:
Stress is one of the biggest problems of modern world and is a major cause of concern for Corporates.
- According to WHO 80% of medical expenses are on account stress induced diseases.
- Forty-three percent of adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
- Stress is the root cause of diseases like headaches, hyper tension, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, paralysis and anxiety.
- 66% CEO's in India are stressed out and 11% are in critical state, says ASSOCHAM.
- 87% of working women in India are suffering from moderate to high levels of stress.
- It is predicted that by 2020, stress induced diseases will be the top most reason for human mortality.
Having worked in corporate world at Senior Management levels for 20 years, I understand what stress can do to an individual as well as to people around them. Today, not only have I completely healed, but also have helped hundreds to come out of Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
I have been researching on Stress since last few years, and have got a scientific understanding on stress and have developed the best methods for Stress Management. Lot of these methods are self developed based on my own experience.
I have now designed workshops on Stress Management for Corporate world.
May you be blessed with peace and Health.
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